Herbal-Focused Functional Medicine is Here!

I’m excited to announce the launch of Better Than Healthy (www.BetterThanHealthy.live)—an Herbal-focused Functional Medicine & Nutrition program that involves the interpretation of functional labs to build personalized protocols involving botanicals.

I have teamed up with long-time friend, physician Lindsey Faucette, DO, FAAFP, of SLO Health to build these protocols. I find it very exciting that medicine, nutrition and herbal medicine have evolved to the point today that herbal recommendations and supplementation can be made against lab results which get to the true root causes of health conditions.

As I have been working with herbs and alternative medicine for decades, I am a believer in the diagnostic tools that traditional medicine practitioners use. However, as our western scientific understanding of how body systems work and through the most innovative laboratory analysis, new fields of medicine and nutrition have been born called Functional Medicine and Functional Nutrition. Through gaining a functional understanding of what is happening in the body, herbs, supplementation and prescriptions can be made to help correct dysfunction that is happening further upstream in the body, which affect health in a systemic way.

Often by the time someone comes to a doctor they are seeing the downstream effects of years of dysfunction that builds to cause disease. By working with a Functional Medicine and Nutrition practitioner, we can look upstream and find the healing opportunities to get the body back to a state of healing. Through very personalized supplementation and lifestyle recommendations (that is indicated by lab results) it is amazing to me what can brought back into balance and how the body can find its natural state of homeostasis again. What is even more exciting for me professionally, is to have an opportunity to place herbal medicine into protocols that are directed by lab results and detailed client consultation. It has been an honor to work with the brilliant Lindsey Faucette, DO, FAAFP to bring these protocols to life, and I look forward to getting them out to a wider audience!

People are loving these Herbal Protocols!

At BetterThanHealthy.live we understand Herbs. Unlock the healing power of herbs through lab-directed Functional Medicine Protocols.

#herbalmedicine #functionalmedicine #betterthanhealthy

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