A Gift for You Plant Lovers…

💗 Botanicals With Benefits: Aromatic Plants Volume (epub)

Free Epub on Edible Flowers December 24-28 (Pacific Time):
You can download your epub copy here: https://amzn.to/41M0b8F (select the Kindle version which is free until EOD December 28th)

Did you know that many of our common garden plants have multiple uses that you can access and incorporate into your life?

The aromatic plants covered in this book are all common garden plants that are sometimes overlooked as just being “nice smelling plants”.

The aroma in plants is like its language and plant aroma is used for plants to communicate to other plants (really!), but also to attract pollinators, repel herbivores, and keep other plants from encroaching or kill them.

Aromatic plants have been used in traditional medicine for centuries by humans; in fact, some of the earliest known human medicinal plant uses were aromatic plants.

This book does not contain an exhaustive list of aromatic plants, but rather a few that have been selected to highlight aromatic uses and show some of the range of aromatic plant uses. They are also plainly some of my favorites from the garden.

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