Apigenin- Important Bioactive from Plants!

Apigenin- Important Bioactive from Plants!

A  flavonoid widely distributed in the plant kingdom in many of our plant  foods, such as parsley, celery, onions, tea and chamomile.
Among its health benefits:

·     Antioxidant,

·     Antimicrobial,

·     Pain relieving,

·     Cardioprotection,

·     Reducing depression,

·     Cognitive support,

·     Sleep support.

Interestingly,  Apigenin has “reverse antibiotic” activities against some bacteria,  which means that it may be active against antibiotic-resistant bacteria  and help reverse bacterial resistance. The nutrient also has exhibited  inhibition of multiple viruses, including herpes; hepatitis C;  influenza; hand, foot and mouth disease; and African swine fever.

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