Beauty Break: Temporal Elegance

The temporal beauty of flowers and plants captivates us, mirroring the transient nature of life.

A flower’s short-lived blooms, precise timing, and rhythmic cycles embody impermanence and renewal, evoking awe and appreciation.

This temporal elegance reminds us to cherish moments, as their beauty is magnified by their ephemerality.

A few flowers revered for their temporal elegance:

· Queen of the Night (Selenicereus grandiflorus; also Epiphyllum oxypetalum): A flower that blooms for just one night, captivating all who witness it and with folklore that worships it.

· Cherry Blossoms (Sakura): Their brief bloom symbolizes the transient beauty of life.

· Night-Blooming Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum): Flowers that bloom only at night, releasing intoxicating fragrances.

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