New Partnership Announced!

New Partnership Announced!

I am excited to be partnering with K. Patel Phytoextractions to bring greater awareness and presence to Indian botanical ingredients as a Consultant of Business development USA Team.

Ayurveda is an alternative medicine system from India, and is amongst the oldest in the world. Several Ayurvedic and native Indian botanical ingredients have become top herbal supplements in recent years, such as Turmeric (curcumin), Ashwagandha and Holy Basil, and there is great potential for many more. 

In my quest to bring value to the plants that deliver healing to people and the planet, I am excited to be partnering with a group that has strong sustainable supply chain models and world-class GMP manufacturing capabilities.

So, get ready to be hearing a lot more from me on these plants as I dive deep into their origin through my lens as an Ethnobotanist. I will be exploring how to bring about the most authentically active ingredients from plants in their native region to deliver human benefit in pharma and nutrition. 

#India #UnitedStates #NorthAmerica #biodiversity #medicinalplants #ethnopharm #ayurveda #kpatelphytoextractions #kpatel #phytochemicals #botanicalextractmanufacturers

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