A collection of species within the Sambucus genus are called Elderberries (Sambucus nigra & Sambucus spp.). The main species for medicinal use is Sambucus nigra, the European Black Elder, but other Elderberry species are also commonly used.
Elderberries are cooked to be consumed as jams, pies and other culinary creations. The Elderberries are rich in Vitamin C, with 100 grams providing approximately half (43%) of the Daily Value.
Elderberries get their color from the anthocyanidins, which also are known to have health benefits for their antioxidant nature.
The leaves and inner bark have also been used as insecticides and as a dye. Elderflowers are also commonly used to make syrups, other beverage flavorings and fillings for fruit pies, as well as in personal care.
Elderberry plants are also the subjects of different folkloric stories, and have been said to give protection against witches. Several traditions attribute the Elder tree with magical protective properties.
The stem branches can be used for a number of different uses after hollowing out, such as tapping maple trees, musical instruments, and toys. Likewise, the “Elder Wand” in the last book of the Harry Potter series is made from an Elderberry branch.
The Elderberry fruit and flowers are both used for dietary supplement or herbal medicine applications, especially for colds & flu. There is some clinical research that shows that Elderberry extracts might reduce flu-like symptoms when taken within 48 hours of the initial symptoms and shorten the duration of colds.
Other traditional uses for Elderberry for which there exists some preliminary evidence of substantiation is cardiovascular disease, gingivitis, hyperlipidemia, and constipation. Other areas of traditional herbal use are for treating pain and rheumatism.
St-Germain is a French liqueur made with elderflowers. Although the ripe cooked berries from most Elderberry plants are edible, the uncooked ones contain cyanogenic glycosides, which should be avoided.
*This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician.