Ume (aka. Japanese Apricot; Prunus mume) is a deciduous plum native to Asia that can grow up to about 29 feet, producing a profusion of many-stamened flowers, varying from white to pink or red (depending on variety).
The flowering of the Ume is a symbol of the season (the meiyu or “plum rain” season), carries symbolic meanings, and is often featured in Chinese paintings.
The Ume blossoms symbolize hope, beauty, perseverance amongst adversity, and life transitions as they form fragrant and colorful blossoms amongst the snow.
Ume is cultivated commercially for both its fruits and flowers, which are popular in floristry.
After flowering, plum fruits develop, which are very popular in Japan in their pickled form, called umeboshi. In their ripe form they are yellow, sometimes with red blushing, and with a yellow flesh.
Ume, also called the Japanese Plum or Apricot, is also used in making juices, sauces, and for flavoring alcohol. Both the flowers and fruits are very popular in Asia for making beverages.
In Japan the green plums are used to make a refreshing cold beverage, and in China and Taiwan, the smoked fruits are boiled and sweetened (and sometimes flavored with Sweet Olive flowers) and enjoyed as a chilled beverage.
In Korea, both the fruits and flowers are used to make a beverage that is served either hot or cold.
In China, Japan and Korea, the plums are pickled in different manners and enjoyed as side dishes, as a snack or for flavoring food dishes. The leaves and the fruit are used to make a green natural dye.
Ume is a favored fruit that is used in traditional medicine and is currently picking up in popularity, especially as a hangover cure.
Ume has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and other Asian traditional medicine systems for coughs, fever, colds & flu, chronic diarrhea, ulceration and gastrointestinal conditions.
In preclinical studies, Ume has shown good results for chronic cerebral hypoperfusion (an etiological factor for vascular dementia), improving blood fluidity, as well as regulating inflammatory responses and the cholinergic system.
Ume has also shown anti-influenza A, anticancer, anti-Helicobacter pylori, astringent, antispasmodic, vasorelaxant, antimicrobial, anti-allergic, hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, antioxidant, microbiome enhancing and cognitive protective activities.
There are no clinical studies that prove its use as a hangover cure yet, but they are traditionally used for this possibly due to their digestive effects, liver protective effects, mineral content and alkalinity.
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**This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician.
The Tree of Hopefulness & Hangover Cures for The New Year!