Traditional Medicine of the Ashaninka

Traditional Medicine of the Ashaninka

Post Series: Global Traditional Medicine Systems

In  order to spread awareness about the rich living herbal traditions from  around the world, this post series is intended to introduce some of the  characteristics of the herbal or traditional medicine systems to which  plants belong.

The traditional medicine  of the Ashaninka, an indigenous group in the Peruvian Amazon,  encompasses a holistic approach to health and healing that integrates  spiritual, physical, and environmental elements. It is deeply rooted in  their cultural beliefs and knowledge passed down through generations.

The  Ashaninka use a variety of techniques in their traditional medicine.  These include the use of herbal remedies, shamanic practices, and  rituals. Shamans, or healers, play a crucial role in diagnosing and  treating ailments, often entering trance states to communicate with the  spiritual world. They utilize chants, smoke, and plant-based  preparations to perform healing ceremonies.

Several  plants are central to Ashaninka traditional medicine. For example,  Ayahuasca (a brew made from a combination of plants, such as  Banisteriopsis caapi) is a powerful hallucinogenic used in spiritual  healing and to gain insight. Chiric sanango (Brunfelsia grandiflora) is  employed to treat fever and inflammation, while “Uña de Gato” (Cat’s  Claw) is known for its immune-boosting properties.


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