Capsaicin-Important Bioactive From Plants!

Capsaicin-Important Bioactive From Plants!

Found  in chili peppers, capsaicin and other capsaicinoids are what makes them  hot. Besides giving a burning sensation in the mouth, Capsaicin has a  number of other benefits throughout the body.

Among its possible health benefits:
·     Heart Health
·     Weight Loss
·     Pain Relief
·     Antimicrobial
·     Anticancer Properties

Amazingly,  the compound that causes people such distress in their mouths, has been  well researched to promote pain relief topically. In fact, Capsaicin  applied topically for temporary pain relief from arthritis (both  rheumatoid and osteo-), neuropathic pain, joint and jaw pain and  psoriasis is FDA-approved for these uses.

Its  ability to increase vasodilation also contributes to uses such as for  cluster headaches and heart health. For example, Capsaicin applied  topically was shown to increase ischemic threshold during exercise due  to nitric oxide release and atrial vasodilation in people with stable  coronary artery disease.


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