New Book Published!

New Book Published!

This contributed volume provides case studies from around the world that  feature a convergence of indigenous and western knowledge in an attempt  to understand complex socio-ecological systems. The book provides an  understanding of socio-ecological systems in an ethical space using a  ‘Decoloniality’ approach (i.e. untangling the production of knowledge  from a primarily Eurocentric episteme). The work presented  here integrates and merges indigenous knowledge with western science,  thereby building on the strengths of each in service  of understanding these systems. The editors of this volume approach  indigenous communities and scientists as equal knowledge-holders and, in  doing so, contributes towards improved understanding of  socio-ecological systems and interactions in cross-cultural  contexts. This volume will be of interest to scientists, instructors,  students and policy makers across disciplines such as environmental  sciences, social sciences, interdisciplinary studies, cultural studies,  ethnobotany, anthropology and plant genetic resources.

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